"Ukrzaliznytsya" almost ceased to receive compensation for the transportation of exempts

09 August 2018, 22:31 | Economy 
фото с glavnoe.ua

"Ukrzaliznytsya" claims insufficient compensation for the cost of preferential transport of citizens - in January-July it received compensation in the amount of 48 million UAH, which is only 10% of the total amount.

"For seven months of 2018, such categories of passengers were transported to the amount of 480.4 million UAH. Compensated Ukrzaliznyts only 10% of this amount - 48 million USD, respectively, the debt is 432.4 million USD, "- noted in a statement on the company's website.

The received 48 million UAH includes compensation from the state budget for the transportation of students - 9 million UAH, or 6% of the required amount.

In "Ukrzaliznytsya" they emphasize that the regional branch "Lviv Railway" received the least compensation - only 7% of the cost of preferential transportation of citizens.

The company also notes that for seven months of 2018, Ukrzaliznytsia paid taxes and duties to budgets of all levels and state trust funds for 1.5 billion UAH more than for the same period last year - more than 11.1 billion UAH.

"The increase in payments to the budget and state trust funds was primarily due to the increase in wages of railway workers, because this directly affects the amount of a single social contribution, personal income tax, military fees and other payments," the report quotes. Chairman of the Board of "Ukrzaliznytsia" Yevgeny Kravtsov.

According to him, in the increase in payments, the growth of payment of dividends to the state budget, as well as the growth of profit tax.

In particular, Ukrzaliznytsia transferred more than 3.8 billion UAH to the state budget, about 3.2 billion UAH to local budgets, and a single social contribution paid more than 4.1 billion UAH.

Источник: glavnoe.ua