What you need to eat during menstruation, so as not to get better

08 August 2018, 00:47 | Health 
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Learn what you need to eat during menstruation and when a portion of cognac is acceptable.

Poor health, pain in the abdomen, in a word, menstruation. There is no desire at all or there is a desire to try from the refrigerator all. Normal, in general, the phenomenon, only sometimes such overeating or lack of nutrients further exacerbates discomfort.

Margarita Geghamovna Minasyan (6 years of experience), obstetrician-gynecologist of "Online Doctor" service told "Letidora" how to eat right during the menstrual cycle and even about whether it is possible to drink alcohol.

What substances are not enough for a woman during menstruation.

During menstruation, changes occur in the body: the level of the main hormones decreases, and testosterone and progesterone remain high. Due to these two hormones, the appetite increases, the emotional state changes. Also, progesterone can influence the change in taste preferences.

During menstruation, magnesium and calcium are excreted from the body.

Because of the decrease in the amount of magnesium in the body, mood can deteriorate, irritability and fatigue may increase, attention concentration.

With heavy menstruation and large blood loss, a lot of iron is lost. In such cases, it is necessary to replenish the level of this trace element, at least in prophylactic dosages.

Women during menstruation should listen more to themselves, to recognize the need of their body and use exactly those products that are necessary for him in this period. This will promote the production of serotonin.

What is useful to eat during the months To fill the shortage of trace elements, first of all, it is necessary to exclude foods with a high salt content, which lead to the formation of edema.

In the first phase of the cycle the body of a woman as much as possible needs carbohydrates.

In order not to harm your figure, it is better to choose complex carbohydrates:.

• vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, raspberries, pomegranate, cherries);.

• porridge (oats, bulgur, wheat, buckwheat);.

• greens (lettuce, spinach, onion lettuce);.

• legumes and grains (barley and cereal flakes, pasta made from whole grains, whole grain bread).

It is necessary to give up fast carbohydrates:.

• muesli;.

• ground rice;.

• semolina, sugar and sugar-containing products;.

• baking, cakes, pastries and fast food;.

• carbonated drinks;.

• alcohol and other.

If you really want something sweet, it's better to choose in favor of fruits or dried fruits.

In the second phase of the cycle, it is recommended to consume more animal proteins - non-fat fish and meat.

Things to drink.

During menstruation, you should drink more liquid, but not tea or coffee. These drinks are tonic and can contribute to the deterioration of the perception of information, increasing aggressiveness and irritability.

Herbal teas with mint, melissa, thyme.

Is it possible to eat salted and spicy.

It is necessary to abandon canned food, crackers, fast food, chips, because they contain high salt content, which can lead to edema.

Also, do not eat foods that are high in fat.

Acute can provoke gastrointestinal disturbances and will excite the nervous system.

Can I eat chocolate.

It is possible, but it is necessary to give preference to bitter chocolate with a nut. It is not advisable to eat all the tiles at once, it is better to limit it to a quarter of it.

Can I drink alcohol.

Take alcohol during critical days should not be, since menstruation is a period of reduced immunity. Alcohol can reduce it even more, the risk of diseases increases.

So, many women during menstruation have recurrence of the herpes virus or exacerbation of thrush before the cycle begins.

All this is due to the fact that the main hormones are reduced, and as a result there is a change in microflora and the whole immune response.

If there are painful sensations and unwanted discharge, then you can drink cognac, but in small amounts, exclusively for the expansion of blood vessels and reduce their spasm.

But if the menstruation is abundant (changing hygiene products 3 times a day due to their full filling with menstrual fluid), alcohol should be completely excluded. In this case it is recommended to undergo a survey to determine the cause of the abundance of secretions.

woman. rambler. en.


Источник: NeBoley.com.ua