All on the shelves: how often do you need to clean the face

01 August 2018, 15:41 | Health 
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What to do to get the perfect skin? What procedure to choose from a cosmetologist? Why do I need to clean my face? And whether it is necessary to do it? How many times and how often can I clean my face? We know the answer to all these questions!.

Before answering the important question - how often you need to do a face cleaning - you need to understand why it is needed in general and what types of procedures are available.

It's no secret that the skin of people (especially among the inhabitants of the megalopolis) is prone to pollution: dust, skin fat, cosmetics, waste of the environment and even a whole mass of. To keep the skin clean, radiant and healthy, the sebaceous glands should produce a lipid-containing secret. He must create a protective film, evenly distributed on the surface of the face. However, due to the fact that dead cells do not peel off in time, bacteria enter the pores, inflammations and pimples appear.

The most common problem solved by cleansing of different types - comedones and acne.

Comedones - filled pores, fat in which oxidized due to contact with air. If the pore is blocked by dead cells of the skin, then acne. Fix all these problems can be cleaning the face.

Types of face cleansing and how often they can be done.

Manual or mechanical cleaning of the face.

Manual, manual or mechanical - the most common form of cleaning. The pores are dilated with a special composition of the heating mask and with the help of pressure (cosmetic spoon, loop or fingers of the cosmetologist) they remove all the contaminants (comedones and acne). Such cleansing is considered excellent for problem and oily skin, because there is an "individual approach" and attention to the peculiarities of the skin.

There are also disadvantages: if the master does not get along very well, he can not remove the pollution from the pores until the end, because of which there may be abscesses on this place and even acne. In addition, after such cleansing, cosmetics should not be applied until the healing of the scars is complete, and this is three days at least.

How often it is possible and necessary to do a mechanical face cleaning: not more than 2 times a year, since the skin under mechanical pressure is stretched. This leads to its thinning, as well as to premature wrinkles. Here and solve.

Ultrasonic cleaning of clean face.

This is the most atraumatic way, because the skin has ultrashort waves. Acne at times it does not remove, but the relief aligns and in the long run will help get rid of acne. Keyword "in the long run". Suitable for all skin types and is a very useful procedure for all but pregnant.

The skin is treated with a tonic or a special gel, and then subjected to a shovel-wave generator. The ultrasonic scapula removes the upper stratum corneum of the skin, the pores are opened, the contaminants come to the surface and they are easily removed. In fact, the procedure exfoliates dead cells, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, it makes wrinkles and scars from acne less noticeable.

How often can I do an ultrasonic face cleaning: the procedure is fairly gentle, it can be done 4 times a year, but all individually and depends on the type and needs of the skin. The cosmetologist can advise you to do the procedure even once every 1.5 months. For those who have oily skin or skin prone to acne this is a good option. For other types, it is optimal to do this every season to prevent acne.

how often you need to clean the face Combined face cleaning.

This is a combination of ultrasonic and mechanical cleaning, so there is no point in describing the procedure, everything is said above. Let's just say that it is prescribed in severe forms of acne, when surface ultrasound can not completely remove all contamination from the pores. For those who suffer from subcutaneous white comedones that are not removed manually and hurt when they are pressed, such cleaning is the best option.

How often can I do a combined face cleansing: as well as mechanical cleaning - not more than 2 times a year. It is better to combine: 2 combined and 4 seasonal ultrasound.

Vacuum cleaning of face.

This is essentially the same vacuum facial massage, but with additional means and without oils. First, the skin is prepared: in order to loosen the comedones, a special steaming agent is applied to the face. These can be masks, lotions, gels with fruit acids. Then comes the process of purification. A vacuum device is placed on the skin, which cleans the open pores.

It is absolutely safe procedure and it fits all types of skin. It can leave swelling and bruising. But this procedure has the advantage - it stimulates blood flow and the production of its own collagen, which prevents premature aging.

How often can I vacuum the face: 2-3 times a year.

Laser and chemical cleansing.

Both types of procedure are peelings, which remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, but do not penetrate the "deep" pores. They will not give an instant wow effect, but with regular use they will deprive you of the need to go for ultrasound, mechanical or combined cleansing. Moreover, peelings with acids (chemical) and with the help of a laser will help to smooth out the relief of the skin, prevent the appearance of acne, remove acne scars and pigment spots, so the need for a ton of cosmetics will also disappear.

If you have hyperpigmentation, then laser cleansing should be discarded so that there are no new pigment spots. But the master can pick up you a chemical peeling on the basis of fruit or lactic acid, which will help level the tone of the face.

It is also important to remember that peelings are a preparation or a farm cleansing, and since the skin of all has individual immunity, some formulations may have an allergy. For dry cleaning use lemon, apple, oleic, glycolic, and also lactic acid. For enzyme - enzymes papain and bromelain. Be sure to consult with a cosmetologist if you have never used any of the above. The master must conduct an allergy test. This is important, because the consequences can be deplorable.

How often can I do a face cleaning: at least once a month, but preferably every 1.5-2 weeks.

How often can I do laser face cleaning: at least 1 time per month, it all depends on the needs of the skin.

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