Physicians named symptoms of nitrate poisoning from fruits and vegetables

01 August 2018, 02:11 | Health 
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Gastroenterologists point to an increase in summer poisoning with nitrates and nitrites, signs of this is an intestinal disorder and general discomfort. Vomiting is possible against a background of general malaise due to food poisoning and a feeling of weakness.

Unlike adults, children are more sensitive to fruits and vegetables that contain chemicals. In some cases, a few strawberries and half of the cucumber are enough to make the child turn blue, as well as face and hands. This symptom is a symptom of oxygen starvation. It arises from the conversion of nitrates to nitrites. The latter block the body hemoglobin. Adults and elderly people suffer no less than minors. The level of content in vegetables, fruits and berries of pesticides and nitrates affects the likelihood of poisoning. The least accumulated in themselves are nitrates, onions, Brussels sprouts and sorrel. More are located to absorb nitrates white cabbage and cauliflower, celery, carrots, horseradish, radish and parsnip.

Champions for the accumulation of chemicals are dill, salad and parsley. Doctors, nutritionists say that the real danger comes from the nitrites into which nitrates are converted, getting into the body.

Source: News Yu.

