London asks to push him out of the EU

31 July 2018, 17:12 | Policy 
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France, Germany and Austria should contribute to the soonest "divorce" of Britain and the European Union. So says British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt. He went on a tour of Europe to personally negotiate with colleagues from a number of European countries on the promotion of Brexit. Meeting with Jean-Yves Le Dren in Paris, then discussing the same issue in Vienna with Karin Kneiss: Hunt makes no secret that without the support of "the backbone of the EU", negotiations between London and Brussels can stall. But the deadlines are tight - that everything was in accordance with the rules, the EU and the UK should prepare the final version of the agreement on the withdrawal of the Kingdom from the Union by October. Otherwise, the "divorce" will take place, but the "division of property" - no. And then the European countries themselves will suffer, frightens Hunt. "France and Germany should send a strong signal to the European Commission that we need to agree on a pragmatic and reasonable result that will protect jobs in both the UK and Europe," Hunt Reuters. On the assurances of the British side, London has already devised how to disperse without mutual problems, and wrote about this in the "white book". Now the EU should study the proposals of the UK government and give an answer. More precisely, to agree, since only such a scenario will suit London. "I will explain this to my colleagues in Paris and Vienna, so that the EU could work with our proposals, otherwise we are threatened with a lack of agreement, which will create great difficulties for both the UK and the EU," Hunt quotes RIA Novosti. Earlier, British Prime Minister Teresa May said that she intends to personally negotiate with the EU on Brexit. This happened after, as a result of disagreements with the head of government, the cabinet was left by the Minister for Brexit David Davis. His successor was Dominik Raab, but his powers after the appointment were severely curtailed.
