In Crimea, the condition was set before the guests from the OSCE

30 July 2018, 10:02 | Policy 
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They decided to test how human rights are respected there. This was reported in the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. From the Crimea, in turn, they said they welcomed the visit, but warned: the OSCE delegations should know that they will not be able to visit the peninsula under the Ukrainian invitation, the permanent representative of the republic under the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Muradov told Izvestia. "Some get a Ukrainian visa and with its help try to get here, thus unambiguously making it clear that the Crimea allegedly belongs to Ukraine. Crimea is the territory of Russia. Therefore, it's impossible to come to the peninsula without discussing this issue with Moscow, "he said..

While the main obstacle for travel of observers to Crimea is the attempt of the leadership of some international organizations to challenge the status of the peninsula. For example, the OSCE ODIHR said that to send experts to the peninsula they need a preliminary invitation from Kiev and assistance from local authorities to ensure admission from the territory of Ukraine. However, the OSCE's readiness to send observers to visit the Crimea is a positive signal, said Bundestag deputy, member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Markus Frontemier. In his opinion, this can improve relations between Russia and the West. "Despite the fact that the OSCE speaks about the need to obtain permission from Kiev, in fact everyone understands perfectly that the Crimea is an integral part of Russia. The overwhelming number of Crimeans made their choice in a referendum. And the territorial issue is finally resolved. It is desirable that the OSCE officially recognize this fact, "the German politician stressed.. Interest of foreigners to the peninsula is constantly growing, despite the pressure of the United States, its allies and the authorities of Ukraine. This week a delegation of parliamentarians and businessmen from Slovakia who are interested in establishing ties with the Crimea. The region returned to Russia after it was held there in March 2014. referendum. On it, most residents of the peninsula spoke in favor of reuniting with Russia, recalls RT.
