The meteorite found by the Ural scientists in the Lipetsk region was called Ozerski

25 July 2018, 08:54 | The Company 
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Lipetsk meteorite was called Ozierki. About its official registration it became known on the eve of the 81st annual congress of the International Meteorological Society, which is being held for the first time in Russia. Registration of the application of specialists of the university was held in record time. From the moment the car was observed on June 21, the calculation of its trajectory, the search for the substance at the site of the fall, the first findings before their investigation, the classification, preparation and registration of the application took only four weeks, which is a kind of record.

After the congress, the Ural scientists together with their foreign colleagues will go to the site of the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

To solve a variety of problems associated with meteorites, they will teach in the master's program in the Physics and Technology Institute. For the first time in Russia, preparations for a new trajectory "Instruments and Methods in Space Mineralogy".

"Working with a substance of extraterrestrial origin is interdisciplinary in nature, therefore it is possible to receive bachelors and specialists with different basic education, although the preparation will be conducted within the framework of the direction of preparation of Instrument-Making," explained Professor Victor Grokhovsky.

Recall, the analysis of the trajectory was carried out by the staff of the UrFU laboratory Terra consortium in cooperation with colleagues from Helsinki University. The outbreak was recorded in Chernozemye on June 21. Within four days the scientists of UrFU in the calculated place found the first sample of a meteorite. To date, it is known about the finds of more than one hundred samples weighing more than eight kilograms.


Источник: JustMedia