In Maryinka, two people were injured as a result of the explosion

22 July 2018, 19:55 | The Company 
фото с

It is installed, scho choloviks, 45 th 43 rockov, priehali to Budinka, in a kind of timchasovo not live, and if pereviryaali podvirya, smack cotton and vibuh. Pozhizhdalі znahoditsya u lіkarnі m. Kurakhov. At the same time, life is not crowded.

About 11. 15 to Мар'їнського відділення поліції надійшло повідомлення від лікарів about those who were delivered to them before the fall of cholovіків із осколковими пораненням тіла. It was installed, but the gentleman strangled at once with a comrade, priehhali to a boudinka, schoob pereviriti, chi all on the island, through an island of choloviq yogo homeland timchasovo sacking at birth. One iz cholovikiv having stepped on podvir'ї on невідомий a subject, in resultі чого becoming вибух.

Narazh is transported to the medsar of the desiccated Kurakhov. Їхньому життю нічого не загрожуєє.

After the fact, the crime is proclaimed for. 258 "Terrorist act" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
