Trump tries to rehabilitate himself after meeting with Putin

19 July 2018, 10:10 | Policy 
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The American politician, who was attacked with criticism by opponents on his return from negotiations in Helsinki, frantically tries to restore credibility in the eyes of Americans. Once in Washington, Donald Trump dramatically changed the rhetoric. In an interview with the American media, he made statements, directly opposite to what was said at a meeting with the Russian president. So, despite the words of Vladimir Putin about the non-involvement of our country in interfering in the elections in the US in 2016, Trump told reporters that the blame lies personally on the head of the Russian Federation. On the veracity of the words of the Russian leader, the head of the White House does not want to think. "I do not want to delve into. I can only say that I trust intelligence data, "he said in an interview with CBS. On the eve of Trump said that Moscow still "interfered" in the election. He agreed with the findings of the US intelligence, notes NSN. With the fact that in Helsinki he said that in the current scandalous situation, both countries are to blame. Apparently, after the accusations of Russia, the politician decided to go further and assign responsibility personally to the president. "... he is in charge of [his] country. Just as I consider myself responsible for what is happening in this country [in the US]. So, definitely, you should, as the leader of the country, consider him responsible, yes, "he concluded logically. Negotiations of the Presidents of Russia and the United States were held on July 16, recalls URA. EN.
