Especially for the series "Velichne plyatittya. Nova Volodarka "was recreated the famous Topkapi Palace

17 July 2018, 19:41 | gossip 
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In autumn, the "1 + 1" TV channel will host the premiere of the Turkish TV series "Velichne poverattya". Nova Volodarka ", which is a continuation of the legendary love story of Roksolana and Sultan Suleiman. In the new series, the empire will be headed by a descendant of Gyurm Ahmed, whose heart will be captivated by the beautiful Kessem.

In addition to continuing the story of the turbulent life of the ruling dynasty of the Ottoman Empire, in the new series viewers will see the iconic and well-known ornaments that were handed down by the sultans from generation to generation: the famous Roxolana ring presented by the emperor and its majestic crown.

The ring that gave Roksolane Suleiman, symbolized the power of their love. The emperor made it with his own hand: the base was made of silver, and decorated with emeralds and zircon. Exquisite ring has won great popularity among fans of "The Great Table". On its model create jewelry and jewelry, which instantly buy up. In the new series "Velichne stolіittya. Nova Volodarka "this ring will be worn by Safiy Sultan, the grandmother of the new padishah Ahmed I.

The magnificent crown of Gurem became the most expensive in the whole harem and symbolized the greatness and power of the Sultan. From below, the high crown was decorated with emeralds, diamonds glittered further, and the edges were decorated with rubies. Who will get this jewel in the new series, viewers "1 + 1" will learn very soon.

It is interesting that the production of the series "The Magnificent Century. Roksolana "and" The Magnificent Age. The new owner "was engaged in the Turkish company" TIMS Productions ". Before the shoot, the producers came very seriously.

In the suburbs of Istanbul, built a whole town, which is transferred to the era of the Ottoman Empire. The famous Topkapi Palace, stretching more than six thousand square meters, was recreated to the smallest details of interior and decoration.

Part of the scenery and even entire rooms from the series "Velichne plyatittya. Roksolana "was used on the set of" Novi Volodarka ". During the work on the project there were consultants and historians, so all the dishes, pillows, luxurious clothes and objects that were used in the era of the Ottoman Empire, were recreated to the smallest detail.

See the premiere of the Turkish TV series "Velichne plyatittya. Nova Volodarka "soon on the channel" 1 + 1 ".

Источник: ТСН.ua