Named the dangerous symptoms of female diseases

16 July 2018, 09:15 | Health 
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Bad mood before menstruation - an occasion to see a doctor.

The body is able to point out the health problems, so a woman needs to closely monitor him and, in case of symptoms, - go to the gynecologist. The first signs of cervical cancer may be bleeding between menstruation, writes Cosmo.

If a woman often feels pain during intercourse, this may be a sign of vaginismus, vulvodynia, STD, fungal infection or uterine fibroid.

Not always changes in the cycle may indicate a disease, but it is worth checking. If the monthly suddenly become more abundant and prolonged, then this may be a sign of endometriosis, cancer, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

A bad mood before the menstrual period is another reason to see a doctor, because it can get depressed. In addition, it is worth paying attention to burning or itching during urination.

If bloating is accompanied by pain and does not go away after the onset of menstruation, it is worth to register for a visit to the gynecologist.

www. segodnya. ua.

