Regular use of fruits protects against diabetes

12 July 2018, 01:00 | Health 
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Scientists from Oxford University have concluded that daily consumption of fresh fruit can reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

This is possible due to the fact that the fruit contains a large amount of fiber and vitamins. The most useful in this regard are apples, oranges, pears and berries, because they increase blood sugar levels at a slower rate than bananas, grapes and tropical fruits. A study of about 500,000 people in China showed that people who included fresh fruit in their daily diet were 12% less likely to have diabetes.

In this case, experts dispel fears that the consumption of a large number of fruits can be dangerous to health because of the high sugar content in them. Researchers explain that fruits do not increase blood sugar because glucose and fructose contained in fruits are metabolized differently than refined sugar in sweets and processed foods.

aspekty. net.

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