Scientists compared tired doctors with alcoholics

02 July 2018, 20:21 | Health 
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Just recently, British scientists in the course of the next study were able to find out that tired doctors can be compared with alcoholics, because any malaise among doctors can cause serious harm to patients.

The doctors, who work more than 12 hours a day, are particularly at risk. If this continues from day to day, then the human brain begins to function not in full force to save its resources.

Immediately after this, doctors make mistakes in their work, can make an incorrect diagnosis or prescribe the wrong treatment. In this case, scientists suggest building a work schedule in two shifts so that doctors can rest the required amount of time.

Researchers also told that it is best for doctors to work no more than 8 hours a day, and in case of fatigue, they must take a break, so as not to harm the patients.

Scientists also compared tired physicians with alcoholics, as in the case of alcohol dependence, doctors constantly think about rest and can not concentrate on work.

sundaynews. info.

