Arsenal joined the struggle for Benatya

26 June 2018, 16:57 | Football 
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Juventus defender Mehdi Benatya can continue his career in the English Premier League.

Arsenal is interested in acquiring the defender Juventus Mehdi Benatya, who also claims Marcel - informs Premium Sport.

Despite the fact that the contract of the 31-year-old Moroccan with the champion of Italy is designed for another two years, the Italian media believe that in the summer the player will leave Turin, and Juventus has already begun seeking replacements for the player of the Moroccan team.

Benatia played for the Tour (30 matches), Lorient (1), Clermont (59, 2 goals), Udinese (97, 7), Roma (37, 5) and Bavaria (46, 3). In Juventus, Mehdi spent two seasons (54, 5).

Earlier, Arsenal signed the ex-defender Juventus Stefan Lichtshtenera.

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