Do I need to wash clothes immediately after purchase?

21 June 2018, 18:02 | Health 
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Do you wash clothes that you just bought in the store?.

Or the desire to immediately walk out for a new thing still wins?.

Or you simply never thought about what it should do?.

If you are reading this article, you probably answered: no (on the first question); yes (on the second) and no (on the third). Alas, all the answers are incorrect. And we think, we will be able to convince you to turn the washing of a completely new, "zero", clothes into a habit. And it's not just about underwear and bathing suits, but about everything else (jeans, dresses, shirts, etc.).

One of the first to put forward the theory of the "first wash" was Philippe M. Tierno, Professor of Microbiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of New York. The doctor warns: bacteria and dead skin cells are able to accumulate not only in bed linen, but also on clothing from different stores. The scientific version, shared by many of his fellow microbiologists.

What can I find in the dressing room?.

Just imagine the number of people who tried on this or that thing before you - dozens of strangers. In addition, most clothes are made in distant countries. Think: how many hands have these jeans or T-shirt gone before they reached their destination. Even an ideally new thing at first sight can "contain" an enormous amount of microbes, viruses and bacteria. Another argument in favor of the theory of "first wash" - chemicals and dyes from the production, which can irritate the skin.

In his experiment, the microbiologist Philip M. Tierno analyzed blouses, trousers and underwear from three different stores and found out on them various bacteria that make up the skin's microflora (for example, staphylococci). In the fitting room, these microorganisms come into contact with our body.

Do not panic or become paranoid: the need to wash clothes before using it does not mean that it is risky for our health. In the end, with how many microbes you encounter in everyday life! Let's just say, it is convenient and desirable for personal hygiene (prevention of viral and fungal infections). The risk of catching a serious infection is thus devilishly low. Worse, if the skin is wounded, dermatitis, or you have greatly weakened immunity.

How to properly wash things before their "premiere"?.

The value is the water temperature. Most potentially pathogenic bacteria can survive and multiply at temperatures between 20 and 40 degrees, so it's best to wash things at 60 degrees. Given the fact that it can be harmful to some tissues, it is worth erasing them at lower temperatures, but with the addition of disinfectants, and must be dried in the air or a well-ventilated place, preferably in the sun.

cosmo. com. ua.

