Europe forced Ukrainians to watch the hated World Cup 2018

15 June 2018, 10:50 | Sports 
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Ukrainian TV channels will continue to show all matches of the World Cup in football, taking place in Russia. Otherwise, they will be deprived of the right to broadcast FM-2022, said the head of the national television and radio company of Ukraine (NOTU) Zurab Alasania. On his Facebook page, he said that debts to the European Broadcasting Union, which are obliged to pay NOTUT, are being accumulated since 2016. It was they who forced to sign an "additional agreement on the acquisition of exclusive rights to show two channels (Inter and NTN) of the full package of the 2018 World Cup". Alasania noted that by the end of this year the debt should be fully repaid, "which opens up to the notoriously almost closed possibility of broadcasting the World Cup-2022 in Qatar". The contract with the European Union of Broadcasters for the broadcast of the 2018 World Cup Ukraine was signed in 2013. But because of the refusal to show Mundial's matches, the NOTU formed a debt to the union. Therefore, the TV and radio company was forced to agree with two Ukrainian TV channels on the broadcasting of the championship. In May, a bill was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada in which it was proposed to declare the World Cup in Russia illegal.
