The co-owner of Celtic and San Jose wants to buy a stake in Milan

15 June 2018, 10:40 | Football 
Джон Фишер, ЕРА

John Fisher is interested in buying about a third of the shares in Milan - 30-35%, says Mediaset Premium.

Fischer already has shares in Celtic and San Jose Ertquaix, and he is the majority shareholder of the Oakland Athletic Baseball.

It is assumed that Yonhon Lee is ready to sell part of the club, because by October he must pay off the debt to Elliott Management.

In addition, in the next few weeks, Lee should increase the capital of the club by 32 million euros.

The parties hope to conclude the deal before June 19, when FIFA hearings on the non-compliance of the financial fair play. Milan risks being expelled from the Europa League.

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