MELOVIN told the whole truth about his orientation

05 June 2018, 13:32 | Show Business 
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Unconventional appearance and the absence of a girl give rise to ambiguous rumors about the non-traditional orientation of the representative of Ukraine at Eurovision-2018 MELOVIN. In a recent interview, the singer dotted all the "i" points, describing his attitude towards the LGBT community and relations with men.

According to the artist, in Europe he had to receive certain "hints of friendship" from the male side.

"Thank God, I did not see such messages in social networks in my address. In Europe, there were several moments with certain hints of friendship, "MELOVIN.

However, the performer noted that he is not going to join the LGBT community.

"The main thing is for them (people with non-traditional sexual orientation - eds. ) was good, and they were happy. But "tighten me into my networks" - never. It's absolutely impossible to drag me anywhere, because I'm a strong and confident person, "the musician believes..

Also MELOVIN admitted that now his heart is free.

"If my heart already belonged to some girl, I would not have had time to do anything with music, or preparing for Eurovision". In life everything happens not by chance. But it is impossible to predict with whom I will be in the future. Sometimes it happens that people who, logically, should not be together become a family. Now I do not think about it, "he added..

We will remind, earlier we informed, that Alexander Pedan has learned to restore feelings of the former lovers.
