At the attractions with the children: Jolie celebrated 43 birthday in the amusement park

05 June 2018, 12:53 | gossip 
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Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who with her horns on her head podderkalas on the set of "Malefessie-2", celebrated her birthday.

On June 4, the star turned 43 years old. This day, Angie decided to spend in a circle of the closest - with the children. 16-year-old Maddox, 14-year-old Pax, 13-year-old Zahara, 12-year-old Shylo and 9-year-olds Twins Knox and Vivienne flew to her mother in London, where she is currently filming a new tape.

The family went to the amusement park Thorpe Park. As reported by DailyMail, Angelina kept up with the children and, along with them, amused herself and rode on attractions.

Recall, meanwhile Angelina Jolie continues to fight with ex-beloved Brad Pitt for children. Parents of six children again can not come to an agreement in matters of custody of the offspring - until they solve this problem, their divorce will not formally be formalized.

Источник: ТСН.ua