Russia is driven from everywhere

04 June 2018, 13:28 | Policy 
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Moscow in the long term may lose membership in all significant international organizations. At least this is achieved by influential forces in the West. The first swallow was the exclusion of our country from the G8 and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Interpol can also be added to this list. The proposal to expel Russia from an international law enforcement organization was made by members of the British Parliament. The deputies asked the Minister of Internal Affairs of the country Sajid Javid to assist in restricting Russia's access to the Interpol database. This was motivated by the fact that it was through Interpol that Russia was trying to track down the founder of the Hermitage Capital fund, William Browder, who recently was detained in Spain. Doctor of Political Science, Professor of Moscow State University Andrei Manoilo believes that excluding the Russian Federation from Interpol "technically impossible". Nevertheless, the West has the opportunity to annoy our country. "Restricting her rights in the membership of the organization is likely and very likely to happen just on the initiative of the United Kingdom. What parliamentarians are talking about is nothing more than a formal occasion. This requirement fits into the campaign launched against Russian citizens who live in London and have assets there. The campaign, whose goal - the weaning of property from citizens who are in this situation, creates a certain information background, and this initiative is ideally placed by this initiative of British parliamentarians, "RT. Manoilov noted that London would cheerfully take any initiative aimed at infringing Moscow's rights. But its authors, "apparently do not even think about" how such a proposal will be implemented in practice. It is noteworthy that at the same time, while the British are calling to exclude Russia from everywhere, the Germans are in favor of the full restoration of our country's rights in international associations. The deputy of the Bundestag from the Left Party Sarah Wagenknecht said in a radio interview that the RF should be re-included in the G8. According to the politician, in connection with the exclusion of Russia from the Group of Eight, the United States began to impose its policy on individual members of the community. Only Moscow can effectively resist Washington, so it must be returned to the group. Russian experts positively accepted this statement, but recognized that it will not influence Berlin's official policy. Besides Russia itself, the G-8 is not painful and it is necessary. "First, this statement is noteworthy as a symptom, but has no effect on Germany's policy. The left party is in opposition, far from the largest, in the government will never be due to the specific nature of the relationship between the parties. Secondly, even if we imagine that such an idea will be put forward at the official level, Russia does not need any "eight". G8 does not actually exist, it disappeared for objective reasons - it is a format that reflects the political realities of the late XX - early XXI century. Since then everything has changed. Now it is of no interest to anyone, and above all to Russia, "the editor-in-chief of the magazine" Russia in global politics "Fyodor Lukyanov told journalists..
