What causes pain in the chest?

27 May 2018, 01:26 | Health 
фото с NeBoley.com.ua

The reasons can be set, but it is better not to self-medicate.

Myocardial ischemia is defined by pain, which, as a rule, has a pressing, compressive nature, and sometimes is accompanied by a burning sensation. When angina pain lasts up to 5 - 10 minutes, but not seconds and not hours. The factor of the onset of angina pectoris can serve as a physical or psychoemotional load, as well as hypertensive crisis.

Pain in the chest with swallowing often occurs due to esophageal spasm. In this case, psychogenic pain is usually associated with mental disorders or with autonomic disorders. Many people face a similar ailment during a panic attack.

Pain can also give the spine, muscles, nerves. Discomfort, as a rule, does not increase with movement, slopes, bends, with coughing, sneezing or deep inspiration. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain, vitamin B, and medications that help relax the muscles of the chest and relieve tension.

yellmed. en.


Источник: NeBoley.com.ua