Kamensky described how her godmother Alla Kudlay with pi-jams performed

27 May 2018, 01:11 | gossip 
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Ukrainian singer Nastya Kamensky, who pathetically congratulated the pope on her birthday, and she recently celebrated her own, it says in "Secular life".

It is interesting that despite the fact that Potap and Nastya no longer exist as a duet, the performers together celebrated their birthdays. The pair organized a Brazilian party. "I wanted a holiday, and Potap did not know what to do with his party. It just so happened. And about the budget, then thanks to our names, we have everything in a friendly way, somehow the decorations are arranged, and the place, "- said Nastya. Also, the singer admitted that she has a whole collection of donated spirits, with whom she no longer knows what to do.

"Those people who did not know what to give, gave perfume and I can already open a small store in which I will sell perfume. I was given a lot of these spirits, they are all very cool, but there are a lot of them, "said the singer..

It is interesting that at the party among the invited were the parents of Kamenskikh and the godmother of the singer - Alla Kudlay, with whom an amusing incident occurred.

"We have such a funny story came out. At the party, there was planned the release of pi-girls in a very frank attire. In a bra and yellow pantyhose. Since the girls had a way out, it does not matter what kind of music they played. And then Aunt Alla decided to congratulate us and sing our songs. And now she sings "Beautiful woman's nezamyzhnya, and in the background these girls are dancing. It was so cool. We recently met with her, she said she was so ashamed, and I told her that she needed to take this ballet and perform everywhere, "the singer recalled.

Recall, Nastya Kamensky, who celebrated her 31st birthday, recently starred in a bright photo shoot.

Источник: ТСН.ua