The Ministry of Defense showed how to prepare divers

25 May 2018, 08:38 | Policy 
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Fahivtsi diving authorities to the sector of bezpeki and defense of Ukraine have passed training on the water sports base of the National Defense University of Ukraine Івані Івана Черняховського.

After an hour of a large scale navigational and methodical diving diver, divers of special specialties were informed by dovis, vippritsovovuvali vzemodіyu vikoristannyi riznomanitnogo sporadzhennya that zadnannya, napokhovuvali neobhdnu kilkist godin pіd water, and takozh vyprobovuvali sporadzhennya provіdnih kraine svitu.

- Ми відпрацьовуємомо питання взаємодії фахівців різних силових structures, виконання спеціальних, інженерних, пошукових, рятувальних та інших задач, - керівник навчально-методичний збору водолазів, Colonel Gennadiy Gaponenko.

Uvagu pridiliili vzasmodії vodolaznyh rozraunkiv i pidvistchennu professionalizmu kerivniki pidvodnimi descents, and takozh discussed the prospect of diving in the structural pidrozdilakh sector of the bezpeki and defenses.

Before the practical part, the participants listened to the theoretical course and were referred to as the day-by-day entries of the organ- ization of diving training at the Zbrojnyh Power of Ukraine that were structured in the sector of security and defense. Completing the stage of the methodical navel-methodical zbor became a complex ex-ambassador, a kind of Fahiwi folded.
