Canadian plastic surgeons make operations for participants of combat operations free of charge

22 May 2018, 13:48 | The Company 
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The mission of Canadian doctors arrived in Ukraine for the sixth time to help wounded combatants.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, they are conducting free plastic surgery this year together with their Ukrainian counterparts in Odessa on the basis of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Southern Region.

Fahivtsi i Kanadi in the course of the first days of the day, a boule was held in the first place, and 60 people were consulted on this subject, 30 of which were registered with the dignitaries of the state for the purposes of post-traumatic craniofacial deformities, defects in tissues and rubrics.

Як повідомив керівник програми черепних травм Science Center of Health in Moscow Sanni Brook Professor of Plastic Surgery in the University of Toronto Oleg Antonishin, from the Canadian side to the Ministry of Illnesses, physicians, neuroscientists, traumatologists, plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, and such middle-class medical personnel.

- Tsyogo once in the middle of our patsієntіv arsenal bagatom quietly, hto vpereshe zvernnushsya on dopomogu, and takozh є people, yakі were passed lіkuvannya pіd hour of the first 5 місій, and at the time take the fate in the offensive reconstruction stage of its own поранень, - having designated the head of the cliche cleverly facial hirurgy та стоматології Головного війського клінічного госпіталю Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences, хірург вищої категорії полковник медичної служби Ігор Федірко.

Слід наголосити, що впродовж всієї місії оперативні втручання are held by drunken brigades of Canadian and Ukrainian lіkіvіі зі клініки щелено-лицевої хірургії та стоматології ВМКЦ Південного регіону.

- Medicinal staff in our shelter in Chisinau municipality chimalii dosvid nadannya dopomogi pozhdrazilim vіd nalіdkіv vognepalnih poranen t mіnno-vibuhovikh traumas, - nagolosiv head klіnіki colonel meditschnoi sluzhby Vіktor Mazur. - Під час роботи місії у є місість уємоливість знайомитися більш details in the catalog of the performed operations on the bricks that m'yah cloths golovy, and takozh top and bottom kіntsivok tіla, - додав він.
