6 typical mistakes in cleaning your face

15 May 2018, 15:08 | Health 
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It happens that the imperfect condition of the skin of the face is caused not by the peculiarities of the skin, but by the principles of caring for it. That's what you can do wrong!.

Facial wipes.

Perhaps it's time to take a break. Yes, with them it's easy and simple, but at what cost to the skin? Some ingredients help to remove makeup, others can clog pores.

Hard cleansers for oily skin.

On the one hand, seriously cleaning this type of skin is important. But in fact, if you get carried away, you can only make it worse: on irritation, the skin responds with increased production of fat.

It is enough to wash one.

Think about how much you put on the skin: sun cream, whey, milk ... Plus makeup and dirt from urban air. So in the evening after the first wash go on the face even at least once.

Change the water temperature.

In fact, hot water does not open the pores, and the cold does not cover them. You just mislead the skin with a constant change of temperature.

Scrub and once again scrub.

The feeling of soft, peeled skin I want to repeat every day. But the scrub should not be applied more often than once a week, so that there are no unpleasant reactions from the skin.

Do not read the list of ingredients.

Sometimes you just look, that here it is, the right tool - and throw it into the basket. But the skin is not needed, for example, aromatic additives or many sulfates that cause allergies!.

woman. rambler. en.


Источник: NeBoley.com.ua