How to narrow the pores on your face: top 3 home masks

15 May 2018, 09:09 | Health 
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Many of us suffer from dilated pores on the face, which are hammered and outgrow in acne and abscesses. Yes, the width of the pores depends on genetics, but the external environment also contributes its not useful mite. You can narrow the pores on your face to the minimum laid down by nature.

Grouting pores and primers do not help your skin. "Zablurivaya" pores they do not contribute to their narrowing, just hides. Do you want to know how to narrow the pores? Then solve the problem with care.

If you have enough wide pores by nature, then in your weekly care there should be masks that narrow the pores. You can prejudge the finished makeup in cosmetic shops - many beauty brands offer a variety of options. And you can make a mask in your kitchen using only natural products.

How to narrow the pores on the face - the most effective home masks.

Clay mask Clay is known for its cleansing and "tightening" properties. To narrow the pores, it is best to choose blue, white or black clays. Spread the product with warm water, you can add a couple drops of lemon juice. Apply on face and wait until it dries completely.. After this wash off with warm water, rub your face with a toner and apply cream. Do clay masks need at least once and not more than once a week. For dry skin - 1 time in 2 weeks.

Summer berry mask for narrowing the pores The berries have natural fruit acids that are effective for soft exfoliation of the skin. In addition, there are fruits with astringent properties that well clean the pores of fatty plugs and contaminants, and also narrow them. For masks, mashed potatoes from the following berries and fruits: strawberries, raspberries, grapes, red and white currants, apricots. You can make a fruit-berry mix or apply monomasks from one berry.

Lemon-protein mask for narrowing the pores Both protein and lemon cleanse the skin of contaminants, narrowing the pores and helping to control the separation of the sebum. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 protein whipped into a foam. Apply the composition to the face, wait for drying and wash with warm water. Do not mask more than 2 times a week. If the skin is dry - once a week will be enough. This mask can be applied only to problem areas-the skin around the nose and the T-zone.

In between masks it is important to maintain skin health and proper lipid balance. To do this, clean the skin of makeup with milk, gel or foam. After this step, always use toners or toners, and also do not prinnebray face oils. They, contrary to the established opinion, do not expand the pores and do not clog them, do not make the skin greasy. In fact, they help dissolve the fat and dirt in the pores and remove all this "charm" when washing with gel.

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