What are the advantages of children's volleyball

07 May 2018, 16:09 | Sports 
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If you tried to get your child involved in some sport, but nothing that could interest him for a long period was never found - it's time to try something new. This new, for example, can become volleyball.

What is this sport? It is a discipline in which teams consisting of six people (of two people in the beach version) interrupt the ball through the grid, dividing the site into two parts. The goal - to "sphere" landed on the opponent's side, or that the opponent made a mistake. In this case, players from the same team are allowed to touch the ball only three times in a row.

The positive aspect of this sport is its availability. As in sports halls in schools, and on beaches, there are many where there are volleyball nets. Well and except for a grid, a ball and the good company more anything and it is not required. Outfit is also very simple - it's shorts and T-shirts or T-shirts.

Another plus is that it is available for both boys and girls.

Volleyball will teach your child to work in a team, be disciplined. It will also help to level the posture for those with this problem. Also, volleyball will help "pump out" the reaction, will have a positive impact on the eyesight, as it is necessary to monitor the rapidly moving ball and take lightning-fast decisions. Well, of course, like any other active sport, develop endurance and generally strengthen the body.

Volleyball is not a contact sporty kind, and therefore the risk of injury is not very high. The exception is unless the injuries in case of falls and finger injuries.

Another, not obvious at first glance, plus volleyball - is that the child will learn to fall right. This is the key component of the game, as the players are literally stalking or jumping behind the outgoing ball. The ability to land correctly without breaking anything can be useful with age. For example, in ice.

What you need to know Normally in volleyball at a professional level people play above-average growth. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to block the feeds and strikes of opponents under the net. But practically in every team there are also players of lower growth - point guard, or "libero". Their task - to bring to the blow of the player of his team. That is why in childhood almost all are taken to volleyball, there are practically no restrictions on growth and physique.

In the volleyball section, children aged ten to fourteen. This is due precisely to the growth and strength needed to interrupt the ball through the grid.

Afterword If both you and your child agreed on the need to try yourself in volleyball, then you can find a volleyball section suitable for your requirements, for example here. Well and further - business of practice, hours of trainings and honing of skill.


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