In Kharkiv, the Metro dispatcher will be judged, because of the official violation of which the person was killed

04 May 2018, 21:17 | Incidents 
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Kharkivska Prosecutor's Office No. 5 has confirmed the act of accusation against the rules of carelessness of the rules of the metropole, in the course of which the cholovnik. 3 items. 276 KK of Ukraine).

Як розповів в. керівника місцевої procuratori Андрій Кравченко, at the middle of the train to the tunnel of the metro station "Central Rinok" penetrated 80-річний чоловік. With the help of a signal, a signal, one by one in the station, ignored the fact. After destroying the landings, 38-річна жінка did not inform the dispatcher about the subway that she signaled the signaling of the tunnel signals, not having lived in zhodnikh zahodіv iz zatrimannya zarishnika.

Dіdus skinshov in a tunnel close to 50 m, після чого йоого збив потяг. Від отриманих тілесних ушкоджень чоловік that same day помер у лікарні.

On syogodny zhinku zvilneno z landi. Obvinuvlny act stosno neї transferred to Leninsky district court m. Harkova. Maximum sanktsіya statti perebachaє up to 10 rockіv pozavlennya volі.
