Deripaska will give up the "Rusal"

28 April 2018, 11:52 | Economy 
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The founder and the main owner of "Rusal" Oleg Deripaska gave "agreement in principle" to reduce its share in the aluminum holding and exit the board of directors of the company's main shareholder - En +.

On the eve of the "Kommersant" informed sources informed. According to the publication, Deripaska is ready to get rid of 17% of the shares (from 66% to 49%). Who and when he can sell his package, not reported. Experts suggest that this will be either entrepreneurs whose reputation in the eyes of the West is not "tarnished" by ties to the Kremlin, or they will be state structures that are not afraid of Western restrictive measures. In addition, it is known that Deripaska agreed with the initiative of the head of the board of directors of En + Lord Gregory Barker to relinquish his place on the council to new people, so that the US would be convinced of the independence of the company from the Russian government. Earlier, with such a requirement, the US Treasury. The agency issued a "black list" on April 6, which indicated individuals and legal entities from the Russian Federation who are prohibited from doing business with US residents and use the US banking system. Among others in the list was Oleg Deripaska and his controlled "Basel", En + Group, "Rusal", GAZ Group and other assets. Term of the termination of business ties was given before June 5.

"Rusal" asked to remove from it sanctions, as they had a sharp impact on the aluminum market around the world. The US Treasury promised to consider the request, but for the time being extended the transition period until October 23. Moreover, on April 23, US representatives explained that they could exclude Rusal from the "black list" if Deripaska refused to control it. Say, sanctions were imposed on the company solely because of the identity of its main shareholder. If this is true, then the US should be satisfied with the decision of the businessman to give up part of the shares, even if he leaves with him a significant package. At the same time, the purchase of its stake by Russian government agencies will allow it to retain control over the company in the country. This would suit many, including Germany, which was badly damaged by attacks on "Rusal". "It is important that the fate of" Rusal "is now decided at the state and even interstate level with the involvement of the heads of state of the EU and the US. It is important to understand that, for example, German Chancellor Merkel, defends Deripaska personally in negotiations with Trump, and German industry, which depends on the supply of "Rusal". Who will lead or own "Rasal", Merkel, by and large, all the same, "- said in an interview with" The newspaper. RU "analyst Alor Broker Alexey Antonov. However, a reduction in the share of Deripaska in En + does not necessarily lead to the exclusion of this company from the sanctions list. As RIA Novosti writes, the US Treasury commented on Deripaska's plans and said that they promised to consider lifting the sanctions against Rusal only when the Russian businessman does not control the company and generally refuses it.
