London unveils secrets of Russian oligarchs

26 April 2018, 11:31 | Economy 
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Russian oligarchs will lose the quiet harbor. According to the bill, which the British parliamentarians will discuss next week, all information about the capital stored in the British offshore should be opened. Accordingly, it will immediately become clear whose money, with the knowledge of London, was concealed from taxes on the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands. The register of beneficiaries of assets is published in the United Kingdom from 2013. However, the law does not apply to the overseas territories of the United Kingdom. Now in London they decided that Russian oligarchs. "Mrs. (Prime Minister of Great Britain Teresa) May still called on the world to respond to Russia's violation of international norms. But if she is going to follow her words, she must confirm that dirty money, going for worse ends, does not hide under the British flag anywhere in the world, "- so conservative Andrew Mitchell commented on the upcoming innovation edition of The Times. According to the newspaper, voting on the bill is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1. A coalition of conservatives, Laborites and representatives of the Scottish National Party intends to support the document. According to the legislation in force in the UK, local authorities have the right to demand information about the appearance of assets at the expense of more than 50 thousand.

If the honest origin of money is not proven, the accounts and assets can be "frozen".
