Ruble will come to life by autumn

25 April 2018, 12:46 | Economy 
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The exchange rate of the Russian currency will be strengthened by the fall. Salaries will grow, inflation will remain low, but the share of the middle class will decrease. Such a forecast is made by Russian economists. According to them, there are no fundamental grounds for further weakening of the ruble: for a year, oil prices rose by almost one and a half times, and the ruble fell slightly in price, although it had to grow. This suggests that the ruble in the current borders of geopolitical pressure and the purchase of foreign currency by the state. The threat of new sanctions against Russia remains. This circumstance can affect the depreciation of the ruble. "The main intrigue now is whether there will be a restriction on the Russian national debt and how this will affect the foreign exchange market. I think the probability of this is minimal, which gives grounds not to expect a significant weakening of the ruble. Since it was such a package of restrictive measures and sanctions that could greatly weaken the ruble, "said Pavel Samiev, Managing Director of the National Rating Agency. However, even if foreign investors decide to withdraw their money from federal loan bonds, there will be a plus for Russia:.

it will be possible to redeem the national debt for a pittance. Experts note that the policy of the Central Bank keeps the ruble from strengthening, as the regulator somehow considers it dangerous for the economy.

They do not agree that a cheap ruble is definitely good for Russia. "It's good for those who are exporting the products of ferrous metallurgy. And here all industrial assembly will collapse. The weight of the components is much greater than the weight of labor. Those who planned modernization, purchase of imported equipment, all postponed, because it is unclear at what rate to conduct transactions, "- said the director of the Center for Structural Studies of the Institute of Economic Policy named after Gaidar, an expert of the Center for Strategic Research Alexei Vedev. The fall of the ruble does not threaten strong inflation shocks. Most likely, the price increase will remain at an acceptable level. Nevertheless, changes in the course will affect the consumption pattern. "Vacation abroad will drop by 30-40 percent. The devaluation will also affect the total consumption of paid services. Will suffer industrial assembly, industries with high added value, "- predicts Vedev. Economists advise Russians to keep savings in different currencies, but still prefer the ruble, since it is in it that most of the costs. Much depends also on the timing of savings. "If it is a question of a short-term saving - up to a year, probably a better ruble instrument. If it is a question of saving for a period of much longer than a year, one must look toward hard currencies, since the risks of devaluation on the long horizon are significantly growing. So far, there is not even a shadow of hope that the sanctions pressure will decrease. And any pressure is a weakening of the ruble, "said the Associate Professor of the Department of Stock Markets and Financial Engineering at the Faculty of Finance and Banking of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Macroeconomics Adviser of the General Director," Discovery Broker "Sergei Hestanov. By the autumn, the ruble should be fairly stable. "He will return after the hysteria in the corridor 57-58, oil will not be lower than $ 65, and these positive expectations will give us no deterioration of the situation. The disposable income will not fall. Salaries will grow by about 3% above inflation, "believes Alexei Vedev. Sergei Hestanov expects that the dollar will cost 62-64 rubles. "Real disposable income of the population may not stagnate, but even grow a little. Another issue is the distribution of the structure of the population by income. I think we should expect a decline in the share of the middle class.

Support the income of the population will still be the budget sphere and the public sector, "- concluded Pavel Samiev. At the moment on the Moscow stock exchange the US dollar is worth 61.67 rubles (5 kopecks more than the day before). The euro continues to fall. At the moment, 75.21 rubles are offered for a unit of Eurocurrency (17 kopecks less than yesterday).
