Dentinho was injured in a match with Mariupol and left the field on a stretcher

18 April 2018, 21:11 | Football 
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Midfielder Shakhtar Dentinho suffered damage in the match of the Cup of Ukraine against Mariupol.

Midfielder Shakhtar Dentinho was forced to leave the field ahead of time in the match of the Cup of Ukraine against Mariupol.

At the 32nd minute of the game, the Brazilian faced Evgeni Neplyah and could not get to his feet. As a result, Dentinho left the field on a stretcher, and together he went Marlos.

The seriousness of the injury and the timing of the restoration of the 29-year-old midfielder will be known after the match.

In the current season Dentinho played for Shakhtar 30 matches in all tournaments, in which he scored one goal and gave one assists.

Football. ua conducts a live text broadcast of the match Shakhtar - Mariupol.
