Laundry without risk to health: choose a safe conditioner for laundry

04 April 2018, 10:49 | Art 
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Conditioner and conditioner for linen - names of the same kind of household chemicals. The purpose of these agents is antistatic effect, pleasant odor, softness of tissues and ironing ease. At first glance - a magic wand! But is it?.

People more than a hundred years ago realized that ordinary washing is not enough for the softness and prolongation of the service of things. There was a need for additional funds.

Water, soap and several types of oils - this is the composition of the first conditioner for laundry. With the development of the chemical industry, its composition changed several times. Let's see what is inside the modern household product.

Surfactants (surfactants). These substances are part of many household products. In powder, anionic surfactants are more often present. They settle on clothes and can cause problems with bronchi, and with frequent use even asthma.

Cationic surfactants are the basis of all air conditioners and neutralize the action of anionic, dissolving them. By themselves these substances are dangerous only in 100% concentrate. In rinses they contain 5-15%, which will not harm your health. The more this percentage in the composition, the better the effect after washing.

Shake the bottle to check the amount: if the foam and bubbles are small, then the manufacturer has not regretted cationic surfactants. But the principle "the more the better" works only in this case: use the conditioner for the laundry you need in the quantities specified on the bottle. If it is not enough - the effect you just do not see. But also to overdo it is also bad: the conditioner can not be thoroughly rinsed, because it will not be very pleasant to wear such clothes. So carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations.

Some rinsing agents contain such ingredients:.

Ethanol - can provoke headaches, as well as irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Chloroform is a substance with a pungent odor that is used in the manufacture of pesticides. Often used as a solvent. When interacting with air (when the bottle opens), a chemical decomposition reaction occurs - we get chlorine, phosgene and formic acid. And evaporation from these substances can cause not only allergies, but also arrhythmia. In the United States, chloroform is recognized as a carcinogen and a neurotoxin (a substance that causes brain damage).

Benzyl acetate is a substance that is produced by boiling benzyl alcohol with acetic anhydride. More commonly known as the solvent of aromatic compounds, varnishes, resins and fats. Salivation, lacrimation, weakness, trembling, accelerated breathing, coughing, choking, pulmonary problems - a bouquet of probable consequences after contact. In rinses it is used to dissolve the flavors.

Linalool is an additive with the odor of a lily of the valley, which disrupts the coordination of muscles and can even cause cancer of reproductive organs.

Terpineol - thickener. It is usually included in the composition of glue. From nature has a pleasant smell, similar to floral, because the composition of air conditioners is often used as a flower fragrance. Can cause Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, sclerosis, stroke.

Impressive? But do not rush to throw in your urn your rinse. First, all these tools are not so scary in small proportions. Although you will never know for sure how much and what substances in a particular air conditioner. So it's worth taking a close look at the composition.

Quality air conditioners do not have more than 5 ingredients. Cationic surfactants are the main element, followed by silicones and perfume. Buy only natural fragrances or vegetable oils! "Identical to natural" - another chemistry that can affect your health.

Smell and color Very harsh and not like natural aromas, the smell of an air conditioner can mean that there are many chemical additives. It is better to give preference to natural smells - aloe vera or chamomile. Complex smells contain a large number of different fragrances, and you may have an allergy to one of the components. But they produce air-conditioners without a smell - they cost more, but it's safer. With color everything is the same as with the smell: the simpler, the more natural. It is better to use a white conditioner.

Now you know the main secret: the simpler, the better. And in this case - healthier.

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