Amosov can be fired from the medical university. Bogomolets

31 March 2018, 12:12 | Health 
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Commission of the Ministry of Health, which hears reports of rectors of medical schools, recommended dismissing the rector of the Bogomolets National Medical University, Ekaterina Amosova.

This is stated on the website of the ministry.

Amosova did not appear for the second time at the commission meeting, so the situation in NMU was discussed in her absence.

Following the meeting, it was unanimously decided that Amosova's job in 2017 would be considered unsatisfactory and would recommend the Ministry of Health to terminate her ahead of schedule due to the failure to fulfill the terms of the contract.

Recall, on February 20, the Ministry of Health dismissed Amosov from the post of rector of NMU. Bogomolets because of failure to conduct the state examination "CRIC 1. Stomatology ". The university administration responded by organizing a strike. Later, Amosova won the court's decision to abolish her dismissal, but on March 6 the Ministry of Health re-dismissed her from the duties of the rector.
