Doctors told about the causes of premenstrual syndrome

31 March 2018, 08:13 | Health 
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Often, during the period, both young girls and mature women experience physical ailments. Dysmenorrhea. This spasmodic pain of hormonal origin, which can be either weak or strong enough, up to the fact that a woman is forced to stay in bed for several days.

Doctors told the site of MedicomForum that the causes of dysmenorrhea are diverse, so it's best to address this gynecologist about this unpleasant phenomenon. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS, premenstrual tension syndrome). This is a very common phenomenon that manifests itself in the fact that in the second half of the menstrual cycle, or shortly before the onset of menstruation, the woman (girl) has sharp mood swings, manifested by outbursts of irritability, aggression or, on the contrary, attacks of depression, tearfulness,. In addition, a woman can feel tired and frustrated.

Many people with pre-menstrual syndrome experience unstable pulling pains in the lower abdomen with possible irradiation into the lumbosacral region, buttocks or thighs, there may be quite strong muscle pains (especially in the legs and neck), as well as the soreness of the mammary glands. At some women for a while taste predilections change, craving for sweet, and sometimes to alcohol increases. Staying in adverse conditions, strong physical and mental stress (intense training or hard work, stress, poor nutrition, hypothermia and t. ) in the days preceding menstruation, can provoke the intensification of painful manifestations.

If the described picture of ailments before menstruation is repeated for several cycles, this indicates that a painful premenstrual syndrome can become a constant companion of a woman. Therefore, you should take care of yourself and your body, especially before the "critical" days, and it is best to seek the advice of an experienced gynecologist. Treatment and rehabilitation of premenstrual syndrome are carried out in a planned manner.

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