The most dangerous age for men and women is named

31 March 2018, 07:17 | Health 
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Careful, dangerous age!.

What age should be feared, experts said. As a result of a joint study of scientists from the United States and Finland, age values ??were identified that correlate with a high risk of mortality from the effects of vascular pathologies. Researchers have taken into account data relating to different sexes and races.

Within the framework of the project, its authors (employees of the Health Center in Texas and employees of the Central Hospital at the University of Helsinki) analyzed several thousand case histories. As a result, doctors concluded: men need to closely monitor the deviations in health after forty years, women - up to thirty years.

As it turned out, it was in these age categories in the representatives of the two sexes that the statistically most strongly increased probability to suffer from a heart attack or stroke. According to scientists, the most significant factors that increase this risk are viral infections, decreased immunity, smoking, hypertension and obesity.

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