In Mariupol guards detained "a fan of Putin"

30 March 2018, 18:14 | The Company 
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Days, days, hours, days, days, and nights of service in the national uniform of the National Guard and the National Enforcement Corps, the boulo was struck by a person for a piracy of the NZF.

On the itinerary of the Viask patrol on the Metallurgist Avenue in Mariupol, the thug of the thugs, who, when appearing right-winged, are motivated nervously and by trying to unify the enemy.

Військові зпини підозрілу person with a method of looking through. At perevirtsі documentів бійці vyаvili, пo ім'я громадянина mean in the automated інформаційно - пошуковій системі Національної поліції.

Zatriman vyyavsya Mekshkanets Mariupol, a certain roshushuyutsya for pidozroyu sprijanni illegally zbroimim formovannam.

Not gayuchi an hvilini, pravozhorotsi zatrimali pidozryuvannogo and passed to the Central Office for a full-time zyasuvannya obstavin.
