Tuhel is in talks with Arsenal

25 March 2018, 12:57 | Football 
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German coach Thomas Tukhel can lead Arsenal.

Recently it became known that Tukhel refused to head Bayern. Bild claims that the German intends to work in another top club.

According to Sport1 and journalist Martin Volkmar, Tuchel is in talks with Arsenal.

Ex-coach Borussia Dortmund connect with Arsenal for quite some time. The likelihood of this appointment is increased by the fact that the former scout of the "bumblebee" Sven Mislintat and two ex-Dortmund players - Pierre-Emeric Obama and Henrikh Mkhitaryan.

The contract of the current coach of Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, is valid until the end of next season.

Источник: football.ua