Zelensky thought about replenishment in the family after the role of a large father

23 March 2018, 18:18 | gossip 
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Already this Saturday at 21:15 on "1 + 1" will show a new release of the project "Evening Quarter", the shooting of which was recently held in Kiev.

In the issue dedicated to fathers with many children, Vladimir Zelensky and Yuri Krapov will compare which of them was in the worst situation and that it is more difficult to raise girls or boys.

"I'm the father of eight girls. You do not even know what it is like. When the tendrils began to grow on one daughter, I was even a little bit happy, "Zelensky said in an image, and after filming confessed that he himself thought about replenishing.

"I can imagine myself as having many children," says Vladimir Zelensky. - But eight children - it's certainly difficult, but three kids in the family - what you need ".

Let's remind, Vladimir together with spouse Elena bring up 13-year-old daughter Sasha and 5-year-old son Cyril.

Will be in the spring "Evening Quarter" and a sketch about the cats that were on the verge of a veterinary clinic. In anticipation of castration quadrupeds will discuss how they will have to live after this on.

"Now what's left for me? Under the vacuum cleaner to rush? Well, nothing, I'm still the owner of an eye for a coco," - threatened one of the seals.

The musical number performed by Stepan Kazanin and Yevgeny Koshevoy will be on the automotive theme. In addition, Zhenya once again will reincarnate in Vitali Klitschko, who will come to the famous medical TV show.

Traditionally, he will present his monologue Valery Zhidkov and raise the question, but do we have real politicians, or are absolutely different people in their place. According to the representative of the author's workshop of the studio "Quarter 95", all politicians in our country immediately after the elections are being replaced: "And only Parubiy knows the truth about the political conspiracy, and he always tries to tell us something, but nobody understands him".

In the sketch "Bremen Town Musicians" the main roles will be performed by Elena Kravets (Princess) and Evgeni Koshevoi (Troubadour), they will show what happened to the heroes of the famous cartoon after 30 years of family life.

Finally, "Quartermasters" will demonstrate how Zelensky was admitted to the club of 40-year-olds (recall that at the beginning of the year the studio leader celebrated the anniversary), and in the finale they will perform a touching song with their children.

Of the musical stars in the show will perform Mgzavrebi, Sergei Babkin and the group Mozgi.

Recall last week the spring season of this humorous project started with record TV viewing indicators, becoming the best program since the beginning of the year for the audience of 18-54, 50+. Together with other projects of the studio "Quarter 95", for two days it looked more than 10, 7 million viewers (4+, Ukraine).

Источник: ТСН.ua