Romantic Irina Bilyk in black fur starred in a mysterious photo shoot

19 March 2018, 18:53 | gossip 
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Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk, who showed an unexpected surprise for Valentine's Day from her husband, starred in a new photo shoot.

On her page in Instagram celebrity posted a series of photos, where she appears in a romantic image. In the photo, the performer poses in a luxurious black fur coat made of artificial fur.

Bilyk dramatically looks into the camera than added a mysterious photoset. Who was the author of the filming, and also to what event the images were dedicated, the artist did not specify.

Recall, in mid-January, Irina Bilyk released a "foggy" clip on the Ukrainian-language lyric song. Light saw a video for the song "Do not drink".

Источник: ТСН.ua