IT experts advised schoolchildren and students of Ekaterinburg "to learn to retrain" and respect robots

16 March 2018, 08:22 | The Company 
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The proliferation of voice interfaces, the "Internet of things", chat bots, and the rethinking of the activities of technology corporations are what will give the society digitalization and digitization in the next few years. Professionals of the IT industry are sure that all these are trifles in comparison with what awaits us by 2050.

At the panel discussion within the framework of the Open Day "Peak IT" at the Ural Federal University, IT specialists told schoolchildren and university entrants about the problems of machine learning and security, the development of artificial intelligence and the neurointerface that will occur in the next 30 years. A thousand students and students from different regions of the country took part in the discussion of global trends in the IT industry.

The general director of SKB Kontur Dmitry Mramorov noted that today there is practically no difference between voice consulting and a bot:.

"We already advise clients, including through chat bots, and they can not be distinguished from a person - they can so clearly guess what problems people face and how to solve them. In the future, the volume of information analyzed by machines will only grow ".

Experts even imagined a futuristic picture when robots would not communicate with people at all, because they would not be interested in them. According to Alexey Kulakov, general director of JetStyle digital agency, by 2050 machines in any institutions or enterprises will interact with his personal robot.

"Will robots become a part of society? Rather, it is a matter for society. In my opinion, this is not a utopian picture at all. The machines have their own intelligence, which you need to learn to respect, "- advised Kulakov.

The first pro-rector UrFU Sergei Kortov believes that very soon IT will cease to be an industry, but will become an environment in which all other areas develop. To study information technologies it will be necessary absolutely to all. Educational institutions will switch to online, project and network training, so that students can draw information from anywhere, not limited to the walls of the university.

"The process of the development of the information society is now so dynamic that the technical base of the university becomes obsolete faster than the training process. Therefore, the main skill that will be mastered by future specialists is the ability to retrain. Change the competence will have to "on the go" ", commented Cortov.

Timur Batrutdinov from Magnitogorsk studies in grade 9, but has already begun to prepare for entering the university:.

"At the" Rush IT "I came to meet friends, get new experience and useful knowledge. I learned a lot about the profession of the tester, listened to a lecture on machine learning and got acquainted with IT-directions in UrFU. Now I want to go to university for applied or business information science. Especially memorable excursion to the office of the UTSSB. I liked how they work, and there I was given advice on how to properly use version control systems for software development, "Timur shared..

"IT Peak" was held in the Urals Federal for the first time and became a presentation platform for schoolchildren, students, developers - all those who are interested in the world of high technologies. For them master classes, lectures and role games, case studies and laboratories were organized, as well as excursions to the offices of leading IT companies in the Urals.

Источник: JustMedia