The UN Security Council responded to the preparation of presidential elections in the occupied Crimea

15 March 2018, 01:41 | Policy 
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Rada Bezpeki UN held in the fourth zasidannya z nourishment of Krim, from the number of preparations for the Russian ruler at the otkupovannomu pivostrovi "viborіv" of the RF president, and takozh mozhlivyh shlyahiv deokupatsії ukraine struktory.

Obvovorennya walk through the format Arriya, after describing Ukrinform, the rector of the Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the United Nations, Oleg Nikolenko.

"Ukraine on interrogation of the representative of the Ministry of Overseas Affairs, Olena Zerkal. Крім членів Ради Безпеки, в дискуії також bratimut fate predstavniki Mejlіsu krimkotatarskogo people. Ochіkuyutsya takozh zvernennya kolyshnogo spetsialnogo rennika UN Secretary General shodo Ukraini Robert Serrі ", - respecting the Ukrainian diplomat.

Vin znachiv, scho razbanya umіnіcіvala delegation of Ukraine in the United Nations. Її підтримали нинішні члени Радбезу, зокрема Швеція, Велика Британія, Polsha, Нідерланди та Сполучені Штати.

"It will be important to discuss the situation in Krima ahead of schedule of illegal vibors of the President of Russia. Pozitsіya ukraїnskoї Parties in tsomu pitannі Je printsipovoyu - organіzatsіya okupatsіynoyu Vladoiu so the title of People voleviyavlennya in AR Krim i mіstі Sevastopolі Je rudely torn down sovereign suverenіtetu th teritorіalnoї tsіlіsnostі Ukraine, tsinіchnim i defiantly nehtuvannyam Rosієyu zagalnoviznanimi mіzhnarodnogo rights standards ", - pіdkresliv Nіkolenko.

In addition, to get to know about the prosecution of the role of Radi Bezpeki, the Secretary General of the United Nations in the backstroke of the devotion to the criminals. "Дискуія також стосоватиметься забезпечення виконання Росією рішень United Nations of the problems of Krim, zokrema of the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the situation in the human rights", - commending the diplomat.

The Security Council of the United Nations for Arrya's formula is held, to invite members to participate in a broad range of participants, who can not be bothered to hear in Radbiz. So, the negotiation can be conducted in the formats (for the member states of the UN RB) that can be signed (for all UN member states) formats and allow them to direct the dialogue with the representatives of the detachments, the international organizations and non-state actors, and enter the sphere of competence of the UN RB.
