Fans of the Carpathians are divided? Some ask President Rukh to save the club, others do not support them

14 March 2018, 14:52 | Football 
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The day before, the appeal of the fan group "Zazhdi Vіrnі" was published, in which they asked the deputy of Lviv city council, and at the same time the president of the football club Rukh, Grigory Kozlovsky, to save the club.

However, today on the official website of the fans of the Carpathians there appeared a statement of the leaders of all active groupings and groups of fans of the club, which reads as follows (we give the original statement):.

"In the context of the published pre-. sound. "Zavzhdi Vіrnih" ми - лідери всіх active ones угруповань та колективів фанатів львівських "Carpathians" - вважаємо for not inadmissible дали дотритримуватись мовчанки та поміркованої у уідшеншенії до пубічної поведінки Actually practicing delegates of people who rely on their reputations on our tribune.

In suti tsiogo zvernennya actually lie positsіya odnієї people, kotra prikrilas zagalnim іmenem nashogo ruhu. Dana positsіya not pidtriyuetsya hundreds of інших хлопців із середища active фанатів. Takozh, nagoloshuєmo, scho participants of the one-and-one gromadskoi organizatsii do not take the part that does not take the jodnye dolenoshnih rіshen in the fanatskomu rusi "Carpathians" vzhe kіlka rockіv. Відтак, ці people do not flinch right vyslovyuvaty zagalnu positsiyu fanatskogo ruhu lvivsky "Carpathian".

At zv'yazku zі vesim vishopopisimnim, prosimo gromadskіst pravyvati vsya peripetії povyazannyі z tsієyu situatsієyu nalozhnym rank, and sama yak zvernennya odnієї mneni - Taras Pavliv, and not vsoogo ruhu.

Pід даною заявою підписються: senior fans, LCF, Pride, GFF, Banderstadt Ultras, Green-White Ultras, Galicia, Green Legion, Fierce Crew, Autofans ".
