Valencia confidently beat Betis

05 March 2018, 01:07 | Football 
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Goals Rodrigo Moreno and Simone Dzadzi brought the "bats" a victory over Betis (2-0).

Valencia continued the pursuit of Real Madrid, who on this tour already scored three points in the match against Getafe. From the first minute, the "bats" tried to control the course of the match, but the attacks of Betis looked somewhat sharper. The first really dangerous moment was a goal - Rodrigo received the transfer from the depths, threw the ball past the opponent and struck right into the corner. 1: 0.

"Bats" tried to immediately strengthen their leading positions, but the blow of Kondogbiya from outside the penalty did not have enough accuracy. Wards Kike Setenah wanted to restore parity before the break, but all their approaches were in vain. Vacation teams are gone with a minimum advantage of Valencia.

The second half began quite sharply. Already at the 47th minute Simone Dzadza, who replaced the injured Santi Mina, recorded a goal to his account. Kondogbia played well in the selection and threw in the penalty area on Dzadzu - Simone second touch struck the goalkeeper. 2: 0. The hosts continued to exert pressure on the defensive structure of the opponent and in the event of a loss of the ball immediately entered into a selection.

Guests slightly increased the pace and tried to score a goal to return to the game, but the defense of Valencia acted carefully, and some of its flaws deflowed Neto. The Brazilian goalkeeper, for example, repelled a heavy free-kick. The hosts could make the score devastating when Francis Coquelin punched into the far corner with the left foot, but Antonio Adan rescued Betis. Wards Marcelino were able to bring the match to a logical conclusion and scored three points.

Valencia - Betis 2: 0 Goals: Rodrigo, 23, Dzadza, 47.

Valencia: Neto - Montoya, Murillo, Paulista, Gaia - Soler (Coquelin, 75), Kondogbia, Parejo, Gedesh - Mina (Dzadza, 37), Rodrigo (Torres, 85).

Betis: Adan - Mandi, Bartra, Amat (Tello, 83) - Barragan (Guerrero, 59), Ruiz, Garcia, Camarasa (Castro, 70), Firpo - Joaquin, Moron.

Warnings: Montoya, Dzadza - Barragan, Ruiz, Joaquin, Bartra.
