Google determined the most popular requests of Ukrainians about the award "Oscar-2018"

03 March 2018, 09:03 | gossip 
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There is very little time left until the announcement of the winners of the main Oscar-2018 award, in which the bookmakers have already named their favorites, and now it became known which of the Oscar nominees most interested in Ukrainian users of Google.

On the basis of the most popular inquiries for the last three months of users in the search engine, a study was conducted and it was clarified which film was among the nine Oscar nominees for the "Best Film of the Year" nomination, and which actors in the main categories were most often sought by Ukrainians.

The main prize of the evening for the "Best Film" on searches for users would be a military drama "Dunkirk". The second place in terms of the number of requests is the fantastic melodrama "The Shape of Water", and on the third - the detective-satirical horror film "Away!".

Among the nominees for the "Oscar" for "Best Actress" Ukrainians were most often looking for Margot Robbie, who played a major role in the film "I, Tonia". Behind her settled Sears Ronan for his role in the movie "Lady Bird" and Meryl Streep for "The Secret Dossier".

Of the nominees for "Best Actor", Ukrainians were most often searched for in Google Denzel Washington, who played in the film "Roman Israel, Esq. "In second place to Gary Oldman, who completely reincarnated as Winston Churchill in the film" Dark Times ".

It should be noted that in the rating of popularity among the trailers of the film-nominees by the number of views on YouTube, the leaders became the commercials for the films "Dunkirk", "Form of water" and "away!", Which repeats the composition of the top three of the choice of Ukrainian Google users.

Recall that the record holder for the number of nominations for the Oscar, the film "The Form of Water" by Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, was accused of plagiarism.

Источник: ТСН.ua