Katerina Osadchaya will collect the top Ukrainian stars at her "PM Evening"

02 March 2018, 13:03 | gossip 
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April 1, 2018 will be a new grandiose concert show "Evening Premiere with Catherine Osadchy".

The extravagant presenter of the popular TV program "The Secular Life" gathers the brightest stars on the stage of the "Ukraine" Palace to present new songs to the audience that will be hits of the next season.

You have the opportunity to hear the novelties from your favorite artists soon, which will soon be sung by the whole country, and personally appreciate new star images, bright decorations and creative performances of musical numbers. For one evening, plunge into the atmosphere of "Secular life".

Tina Karol, MONATIK, Olya Polyakova, Sergei Babkin, Nastya Kamenskih, TAYANNA, Maria Yaremchuk are preparing enchanting new songs especially for "Evening Premier".

Legendary Nina Matvienko appears in front of the audience in an unexpected role, and for the first time after the birth of the child on a big stage will return incendiary Gaitana in a new image. But without all the famous songs will not do: every artist, except for the premiere, will also sing his most iconic hit. The show at the "Ukraine" Palace is a real gift for the fans of the "Secular Life" program and the leading Catherine Osadchy, for the first time in 13 years of the existence of a popular TV project, viewers have the opportunity to get to a concert under the auspices of the program.

April 1, 19:00, the National Palace of Arts "Ukraine".

Источник: ТСН.ua