In Turkey, an army bus was involved in an accident

25 February 2018, 12:41 | Incidents 
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The incident occurred in the province of Antalya. Rescuers who arrived on the scene claim that the driver of the transport could not cope with the control of the bus in the dark, which led to a traffic accident.

Also considered versions with a malfunction of the army bus and traffic violations.

As a result of the accident, 23 people were injured, the driver was in the intensive care unit.

Yesterday in India there was a similar case. In the city of Muzaffarpur, the bus driver failed to manage and flew into the school premises. As a result of the accident, nine people were killed, another 24 pupils of the school were urgently hospitalized.

As reported in "URA-Inform", recently in Hong Kong the bus with tourists turned over.

Источник: УРА-Информ