Named the most useful tool for the work of the heart

20 February 2018, 06:13 | Health 
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Why is it worth eating honey and cinnamon daily.

The benefits of honey, as well as the benefits of cinnamon, is a long-established fact. And what will happen if every day use a honey-cinnamon mixture?.

Everyone has long known that honey and cinnamon are an incredibly useful combination of products for the body. They are respected even by traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda. Moreover, honey contains so many useful substances that it never spoils. And cinnamon for thousands of years is used in medical drugs and skin care products, hair and nails. These useful products are now available to all, and their benefits are confirmed by many studies. A combination of honey and cinnamon is twice as useful and tastier.

What is so useful for the combination of honey and cinnamon for the body - we disassemble the items.

Honey and cinnamon prevent aging. Free radicals (oxidants) that oxidize the tissues of our body and destroy the body cells are one of the main causes of aging of the skin and the body as a whole. In addition, they lead to many diseases. Antioxidants contained in honey and cinnamon neutralize free radicals, slowing down the aging process. Honey contains a huge amount of phenols, enzymes, flavonoids and organic acids. These are all powerful antioxidants. Studies of American scientists have shown that a lot of antioxidants are found in dark varieties of honey - for example, in buckwheat. In cinnamon there are many polyphenols - these substances are also strong antioxidants. In a study of 26 spices on the number of antioxidants, cinnamon bypassed all the spices, leaving behind even oregano and garlic.

Honey-cinnamon mixture against bacterial infections Both products have antibacterial properties, so this mixture can be used not only for common cold, but also for the treatment of other infectious diseases. For example, the honey-cinnamon mixture works well for angina, infections of the bladder and kidneys.

Honey is also a natural antibiotic. Ancient healers used a product for disinfection of wounds. Honey destroys bacteria due to the natural defensin-1 protein and glucose oxidase enzyme.

Cinnamon, in turn, has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. A special substance in its composition, cinnamaldehyde, which gives spices a recognizable flavor, helps to destroy harmful bacteria.

Honey-cinnamon blend improves the work of the heart Cinnamon and honey, both individually and together, help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Honey helps to increase the flow of blood to the heart, because of what happens the expansion of the arteries. Antioxidants contained in honey, help prevent the formation of blood clots (thrombi), which often lead to strokes and heart attacks.

Cinnamon is also useful for the heart. This spice lowers the level of bad cholesterol, which forms on the walls of the vessels atherosclerotic plaques. But that's not all: cinnamon increases the level of good cholesterol. To improve the performance of the cardiovascular system, add a couple of tablespoons of ground cinnamon to 500 ml of honey and mix. Eat every morning honey-cinnamon mixture for 1-2 hours.

Honey-cinnamon mixture helps to lose weight Honey with cinnamon can hardly be called a separate means for losing weight, but if you want to have a slender figure and for this you go in for sports and eat right, the mixture will help you to get rid of extra pounds faster. It is also useful to replace sugar and confectionery with honey. Moderate consumption of natural sweetener will reduce the amount of calories consumed. In addition, honey does not lead to sudden jumps in blood glucose levels due to the fact that it is absorbed into the blood more slowly.

Cinnamon also helps to reduce blood sugar and helps to speed up metabolism. If you take honey along with cinnamon, then glucose will turn into energy, and not into fat.

The calorie content of honey is only 304 kcal per 100 g, which means, in 1 h. honey contains about 45-60 kcal. Nutritional value of honey (per 100 g): fats - 0 g, proteins - 0.3 g, carbohydrates - 82 g.

The caloric content of cinnamon per 100 g is only 247 kcal, that is, only 12.5 kcal in one teaspoonful. Nutritional value of cinnamon (per 100 g): fats - 1.2 g, proteins - 4 g, carbohydrates - 81 g.

To speed up metabolism and lose weight, drink a glass of warm water with a mixture of 1 hour. honey and 1/2 h. cinnamon on an empty stomach (about 30 minutes before eating). Drink the same drink half an hour before going to bed. This will help to get better sleep and improve your health.

When choosing honey in supermarkets or in markets, take into account that it can be diluted with sugar, flour or starch. Therefore, it is better to buy honey from proven sellers, or to conduct a test for its purity. For health, the most useful is unfiltered and unpasteurized raw honey.

And here it is better to buy cinnamon not ground, and in sticks - so it is easier to distinguish not such useful cassia from real Ceylon cinnamon.

healthystyle. info.

