On Thursday, Antarctica will cover the first solar eclipse

15 February 2018, 01:26 | The Company 
фото с УРА-Информ

As reported by NASA, this eclipse can be seen in Antarctica. It will cover the surrounding ocean, and also affect Latin America.

Also it can be seen in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. At the same time, Ukrainians can not see it as they do in the whole northern hemisphere.

At the same time, NASA noted that this eclipse will be incomplete, since the sun disappears from sight only half.

Two more solar eclipses in 2018 are expected on July 13 and August 11.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, on the night of Wednesday, January 31, Earthlings will be able to see just three astronomical phenomena - the lunar eclipse, the super moon and the blue Moon. The last time this happened was on December 30, 1982 for the Eastern Hemisphere and March 31, 1866 for the Western Hemisphere. According to USAtoday and AccuWeather, only the inhabitants of the central and western parts of North America will be able to see a total lunar eclipse.

Источник: УРА-Информ