In the Grand Canyon, a helicopter crashed with tourists

11 February 2018, 17:14 | Incidents 
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On board were seven people, three of them were killed, reports NBC..

As the representative of police of state Francis Bradley told the press, the helicopter allegedly flew from Las Vegas. The crash occurred on Saturday at about 5:30 pm local time. Four survivors were seriously injured, but they could not be quickly evacuated from the crash site due to a strong wind.

What caused the disaster is unclear. The investigation into the incident will be taken up by the US Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Security Council.

A Eurocopter EC130 crashed at 5:20 p. Saturday under unknown circumstances, leaving 3 dead and 4 injuredhttps: // t. co / H78nvenVlR - CBS 21 News (@ CBS21NEWS) February 11, 2018.
